Well, our nerves supply the signals necessary for the formation and development of our new baby and it is crucial that our baby gets optimal growth and nerve messages while in the womb.
Misalignment's of the spine or what we call Vertebral Subluxations put tension and irritation on the spinal cord and nerves which interfere with it's proper function. The role of the Chiropractor is to remove these Subluxation so that mom and baby can function at their highest potential at all stages of life. Before pregnancy, during pregnancy & labor, as well as for their future health.
Not only are the nerves affected when a Subluxation of the spine is present but also the entire bio-mechanics and structure of the musculoskeletal system as well. Since we have ligaments, tendons and muscles attached to the vertebrae and pelvis of the spine. These structures also become affected when the spine is not balanced.
Common pregnancy pains include for example, low back pain, numbness/tingling and or round ligament pain. This ligament is attached to the uterus and pelvis. If the Pelvis and sacrum (tailbone) are not aligned this can affect the tension of the ligament on one or both sides. Leading to Ligament pain and or discomfort. A Subluxation of the spine and pelvis can also affect the opening of the pelvis when it comes time to deliver baby. Which can make for a really hard and long delivery process if the spine and pelvis are not aligned.
Infants and children are no different than adults. They still have a spine and nervous system that must be working optimally. Although, they are still developing and growing, which makes it even more crucial to have their spine checked as early as possible. To ensure proper development for their body and immune health.
Now you may be thinking what can cause them to Subluxate (misalign) in the first place, right? Well, as an infant the labor and delivery process in itself is traumatic and stressful on the babies neck and spine. Depending on the head and face presentation while in the womb, they may be in an extended neck position or during labor they may present ear or shoulder first. Putting a lot of strain on the upper spine. Not only does the position of the baby play a role, but also how they were delivered.
Whether, they were delivered vaginally or via a C-section. The pulling on the babies head and neck can add 70-90 pounds of pressure on the baby's spine. We are talking about unformed bones that are being strained and stretched. This can definitely cause subluxations of the spine in that infant from birth. Which can lead to many neurological, immune and or developmental dysfunction as they grow.
Once they start walking there are other ways they can become Subluxated. By falling on their bottom or bumping their head, while learning to walk. Even being involved in a car accident with mom or dad affects their spine and Nervous System as well. Therefore, the earlier kids get their spine checked and corrected the better their future health will be. We have checked and adjusted infants as earlier as a few hours old.
The adjustment of the spine itself consists of holding light pressure with the middle or pinky finger on the vertebrae (bones) that are subluxated. That releases irritation to their spinal cord and nerves. It doesn't take much force and most children enjoy being adjusted.
Ideally, going to a Chiropractor for maintenance through out a life time for parents and children is the key to sustaining a healthy lifestyle.
Chiropractor in Tampa
Is your infant or child dealing with: Colic, Ear aches, sleeping difficulties, neck pain, problems latching while breast feeding, torticollis, head tilted, asthma, excessive spitting or vomiting, constipation, decreased immune system, shakes/tremors and or had a recent fall?
These symptoms can be signs that their spine and nervous system are being affected due to a Vertebral Subluxation. If so, request an appointment for your child today to ensure that they are developing at their optimal potential.
"Acquired torticollis in children may present a diagnostic challenge as many different underlying causes are possible, ranging from benign mechanical concerns to serious and potentially life-threatening conditions.
A number of cases describing the conservative treatment of congenital torticollis in children, including with chiropractic care, have been published throughout the years. However, less has been published about acquired torticollis in children and even fewer publications are related to its conservative management. Torticollis is a symptom that can be indicative of a wide range of pathology from benign muscular contractures to severe and possibly life-threatening conditions like tumors or central nervous system (CNS) disorders. Torticollis is a relatively common disorder, and although most cases are considered benign and appear to respond well to conservative therapy, a detailed clinical history and complete physical examination are necessary to rule out more serious etiologies before initiating care. This report presents the case of a 31-month old boy who presented to a chiropractic clinic with acquired torticollis and illustrates the importance of a thorough evaluation as well as the benefits of intra- and inter-professional collaboration and management.
Torticollis is a relatively common pediatric condition and the majority of cases are benign in origin. The most common type of torticollis seen in children is congenital muscular torticollis, with a reported incidence ranging from 0.3 to 2%. Congenital muscular torticollis is typically associated with intrauterine constraint and/or birth trauma, and usually appears within the first month of life, although it may become more apparent in the early childhood years. Most cases either self-resolve within the first year of life or with conservative treatments consisting of various manual therapy approaches including stretching, postural exercises, massage and postural advice. Some cases may require surgical intervention. Contrary to congenital muscular torticollis, acquired torticollis in children can be associated with a myriad of causes. Among those etiologies, the most common are traumatic, infectious, or CNS-related disorders. Other causes include congenital malformations of the cranio-cervical structures, as well as tumoral and inflammatory conditions. It is important to consider these etiologies when evaluating a child with acquired torticollis.
Neck conditions are the second leading reason for patients seeking chiropractic care in Canada and the United States. It is therefore probable that a parent may seek chiropractic care for a child who develops a torticollis. Although manual therapy offered by chiropractors and other health professionals has been shown beneficial in some cases of torticollis, especially the congenital muscular variation, awareness about other types of torticollis is necessary to ensure appropriate management for all patients. In order to ensure that a thorough examination and clinical history are performed prior to initiating treatment, practitioners who are not practiced at performing pediatric evaluations are encouraged to seek advice from colleagues with more expertise in the pediatric population. Although conservative care for pediatric torticollis appears to be effective based on the available publications, more extensive research on a larger scale and with higher methodological quality would be warranted to better document the type of care offered and the outcomes. Finally, it should be expected that clinical information readily be shared between healthcare professionals."
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" Autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are defined as a range of conditions classified as neuro-developmental disorders, including autistic disorder (autism), Asperger syndrome, and pervasive developmental disorder (PDD). Symptoms are quality-related disorders in the areas of social interaction, verbal and non-verbal communication, and a variety of behaviours and learning disorders. Abnormalities in development are apparent already in early childhood and have a high variability. ASD is reported to occur in all racial, ethnic and socioeconomic groups, with about 1 in 68 children being identified with ASD in 2012 in the US. Boys seem to be 4.5 times more often affected than girls.
With respect to the causation of autism, no universally accepted explanations are currently present. The possibility of a genetic component, environmental triggers and imbalances in the neuro-physiological state are all discussed. No specific medication is available to address autism. Medication is generally used to treat accompanying symptoms and modify behaviors of the condition. Current clinical guidelines recommend a combination of behavioral, developmental and educational approaches in order to enhance communication, social and cognitive skills and at the same time minimizing autistic symptomology. Medication is recommended in case of challenging behavior and other accompanying symptoms that justify its use.
Use of complementary and alternative treatments is common among children with autism, 50 to 75% of children with autism may be treated with complementary and alternative medicine (CAM). The use of manipulative or body based therapies, such as Cranio-sacral therapy, osteopathic and chiropractic manipulation were reported by approx 25% of children with ASD. Significant improvements in the symptomology in children with autism are anecdotally reported by chiropractors and other manual therapists, however, the research literature on the effectiveness of manual therapies in ASD is scarce.
In all identified articles of this current review, chiropractic treatment was performed, with all of the studies describing manipulative techniques for the spine, either the cervical or entire spine. Common to all studies is that positive effects, such as improvement in autistic symptoms, were observed in patients with ASD after treatment.
In four studies, the Autism Treatment Evaluation Checklist (ATEC) was used to assess the severity of autistic symptoms (Table 3). This checklist has been designed to monitor children with autism over time in order to evaluate the potential effects of a given therapy. This simple scoring scale with 77 items is filled in by parents or caregivers. It consists of four subdomains: speech/language, sociability, sensory and cognitive awareness, and health/physical/behavior, providing a possible total score range of 0-180, with a higher score generally indicating a greater degree of impairment in symptoms. Total scores of less than 30 indicate that the child may lead a normal and independent life, scores of less than 50 indicate that the child may lead a semi-independent life, scores between 50 and 104 hint to moderate autistic symptoms, and with scores above 104 the child would be considered severely autistic. Within the scope of this review, the clinical changes after chiropractic treatment were demonstrated by a decrease in the ATEC scores
The authors‘ interpretation of the results of this review indicates that chiropractic intervention to the musculoskeletal system of autistic children and young adults may have the potential to create a positive effect on the severity of their symptoms."
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"Since starting care only 2 months in, I have not taken a single pain pill, the acid reflux that I suffered with for 10 years subsided and I no longer need daily medication for it or for my allergies. These positive changes have given me a sense of freedom that I did not have before.” - Courtney Satterfield
"My pain got so bad, I had to go to the emergency room, but nothing helped. Since starting care I am now able to be more active, have better sleep, no pain, better sinuses, better balance and is able to stand for long periods of time at work without any issues." - Kai Barnes
"I have more energy, more flexibility and easier movements. My health has drastically improved and I no longer need to take Tylenol or anxiety medication like before. I am able to work and play without having to take breaks. My function has improved and I am able to concentrate better without the pain my body was in before." - Melissa Leinweber
"This care allowed me to have fun with my baby again, think clearly, and have more energy to chase my daughter around or play dress up." - Darlene Witham
“After staring care, I noticed more range of motion in my neck, no more pain and my whole body just felt better. I was sleeping better and felt good physically and mentally. I used to take melatonin to sleep at night, but since I have been getting care I do not need to anymore. I also no longer get headaches and have not had any balance issues." - Javier Cabral
"Dr. Miranda and staff are such a very unique caring bunch and the very best what they do! Dr. Miranda is a mindful individual who listens to your concerns and needs, gives you the best possible educational advice and I love that about her. She has improved my quality of life tremendously in such a short period I will never be able to repay her! No more lower back pain or sciatic nerve pain. She is truly a specialist in her field of Cervical Spinal Care!" - Deborah M. Hoback